To dearest reader,

all of posts in this blog and all of the contents have been removed to my new blog.

You can check it here 🙂

I hope you will follow my blog because it will be up to date from now on 🙂

Enjoy my new blog and God Bless Us everyday !!!! (rock on!)


Bobby Fernando

I love this song ! awesome.

Details In The Fabric by Jason Mraz feat James Morrison
Calm down
Deep breaths
And get yourself dressed instead
Of running around
And pulling all your threads saying
Breaking yourself upIf it’s a broken part, replace it
If it’s a broken arm then brace it
If it’s a broken heart then face itAnd hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
And everything will be fine
Everything will be fine

Hang on
Help is on the way
Stay strong
I’m doing everything

Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
And everything, everything will be fine

Are the details in the fabric
Are the things that make you panic
Are your thoughts results of static cling?
Are the things that make you blow
Hell, no reason, go on and scream
If you’re shocked it’s just the fault
Of faulty manufacturing.
Yeah everything will be fine
Everything in no time at all

Hold your own
And know your name
And go your own way

Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own, know your name)
Are the things that make you panic
Are your thoughts results of static cling? (Go your own way)
Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own, know your name)
Are the things that make you panic (Go your own way)
Is it Mother Nature’s sewing machine?
Are the things that make you blow (Hold your own, know your name)
Hell no reason go on and scream
If you’re shocked it’s just the fault (Go your own way)
Of faulty manufacturing
Everything will be fine
Everything in no time at all
Hearts will hold

Curhatan seorang dosen untuk kalian para mahasiswa…..(peristiwa 28/01/10)

Ini keluh kesah saya sebagai seorang Dosen di sebuah Perguruan Tinggi di Jakarta, MIRIS banget melihat para mahasiswa cuma bisa demo.

Demo hari ini (28 Januari 2010) saya melihatnya seperti segerombolan anak kecil yang merengek-rengek sambil menangis yang minta dibelikan mainan atau dituruti kemauannya.
Yahhh lihat saja … mungkin agan-agan sekalian tau mereka dari Universitas apa saja dan dengan kredibilitas yang bagaimana ? (Maaf, Saya benar-benar tidak melihat ada Universitas yang benar-benar menghasilkan mahasiswa yang berbobot untuk duduk di pemerintahan)

Saya tantang para mahasiswa pendemo, untuk menjawab pertanyaan saya:

1. Apakah kewajiban kalian sebagai mahasiswa sudah terpenuhi ? saya tidak melihat dari nilai IPK atau IPS yang kalian dapat, tapi kuliah kalian itu dibiayai oleh orang tua dan Anda memiliki kewajiban untuk menjalankan perkuliahan dengan sebaik-baiknya, so … apakah Anda benar-benar memahami apa yang sudah dipelajari sampai dengan semester ini ?

2. Apakah Anda berkelakuan demikian benar-benar memiliki motivasi untuk memajukan negara, atau cuma sekedar untuk “Keren-kerenan”, atau cuma merengek-rengek menyalahkan Pemerintah untuk mentoleransi kemalasan kalian dalam membangun Negara ?

3. Apakah Anda sudah benar-benar bersih dari hal-hal buruk seperti, Mencontek, Malas Belajar, Korupsi Uang Orang Tua, Narkoba, bagaimana tingkah laku Anda di lingkungan sekitar Anda ?

4. Anda berdemo berarti merasa lebih becus dari Pemerintah, saya pengen tau pemikiran apa yg melandasi itu, dan mengapa Anda tidak mengambil jalan yang sah, seperti lulus kuliah, ambil gelar Master atau Doktor, aktif di partai dan jadilah Pemimpin yang Lurus ?

5. Anda berani karena ramai, apakah bila sendiri Anda punya nyali ?

Pikirkan panjang-panjang Kalo Anda merasa sudah memenuhi semua itu SILAHKAN BERDEMO atau KUDETA.

Saya sendiri pernah aktif dalam senat mahasiswa sebuah universitas, yah isinya hanya orang-orang yang pengen GAYA dengan dalih UNTUK NEGARA, tapi pelajaran mereka sendiri ga beres. (yang bikin saya mundur)

Pernakah kalian berpikir dengan berdemo besar-besaran menyebabkan jalanan macet dan proses perekonomian jadi terhambat ?

Pernakah Anda berpikir apakah semua orang suka dengan tindakan kalian ? Mungkin dengan membagi2kan selebaran, orang akan menerima dengan senyum manis, dan SUMPAH SERAPAH pada Anda dan 7 turunan Anda dalam hati mereka.

Loser hanya bisa menyalahkan orang lain, dan tidak pernah instropeksi.

Jujur saya pribadi juga kecewa dengan sistem pemerintahan SBY yang kurang tegas, tapi saya tahu, Indonesia adalah Bangsa yang BESAR dengan penduduk lebih dari 250 juta, tidak mudah untuk memperbaiki kerusakan yang sudah terjadi dari pemerintah2 sebelumnya. Saya yakin SBY berani mengklaim sebagai Presiden Indonesia, dia berusaha semaksimal mungkin sesuai dengan kemampuan beliau. Belum lagi usaha kaum oposisi yang hanya mementingkan kepentingan perut masing-masing yang berusaha menjatuhkan.

Saya bukannya tidak berharap akan kemajuan bangsa ini, saya sendiri sudah hopeless melihat orang-orang yang duduk di DPR malah melanjutkan tindak-tanduk korupsi, ditambah banyak artis-artis dodol yang sok-sok an merasa bisa jadi wakil rakyat pula. Menurut saya pribadi, DPR lah ang harus dibubarkan, bukan Presiden yang turun.

Kalau ingin memajukan bangsa Indonesia, sudahlah tidak usah berharap dari para Wakil Rakyat. MUlailah dari diri kita sendiri masing-masing dahulu.

“Banyak orang yang berpikir untuk merubah orang lain, tetapi hanya sedikit yang berpikir untuk merubah diri sendiri.”

Sebagai MAHASISWA (MAHA – SISWA) Anda dianggap sebagai kaum Intelektual, bisakah menyelesaikan persoalan dengan cara Intelektual ?

Marilah kita yang bercita-cita untuk memajukan Bangsa ini bisa memulai bersatu melakukan sesuatu untuk Bangsa kita tanpa pamrih, tanpa nama, tanpa atribut (Univ, perusahaan, partai, agama)


Kita dapat memberi pendidikan dan ketrampilan usaha mandiri kepada orang-orang miskin yang membutuhkan, agar kelak di masa depan tidak ada pengemis di Indonesia.

Kita menahan diri dan men tega kan diri, untuk tidak memberikan sedekah kepada pengamen atau anak-anak jalanan (kalau saya sih kasih kalo uda bener2 tua bgt) supaya kelak perekonomian di Indonesia tidak ada pengemis.

Biasakan mengantri dengan tertib bila berada di suatu tempat, dan akan menjadi percontohan bagi orang lain.

Masih banyak sekali program-program lain yang dapat diterapkan… Hal-hal kecil, dapat kita lakukan, meskipun dampaknya tidak terlaksana sekarang, tetapi pengaruhnya besar di masa depan.

sumber :
(Repost dari Yeremias Eduard)

Mumu and Coco are hard fighters :)

It’s almost a week ago when my guinea pig has gone. She was 2 months old when I met her for the first time.

I bought 2 guinea pig 3 years ago and named them Mumu and Coco.

It is an accidental that I don’t buy female and male (couple) guinea pigs because the seller was tricking me.

Its okay because the real purpose of me is taking good care of them. I always want to have a pet, especially a dog, but my mom isn’t cool with dog.



Mumu is the white hamster in the picture, she is a little shy one and didn’t like other people touched her. different with coco which is very friendly and more active. Mumu became a little shy after survived from cat attack. lucky, she surrounded by the cage so the cat cannot took her away. Day after day, month after month, and years after years, three of us have spend the time together. Death issue and disease sometimes happened. I can’t tell you how worried I am when they are unwell, even they are just a guinea pig.

Mumu left me about 1 year ago. She already 2.5 years old and definitely old period age of hamster lifetime. I cried a lot when she left me. Yeah.. hard to imagine it and hard to confess it but I feel a very much losing. It is very painful and hurt. Maybe there are bunch of peoples who don’t give a sh*t and say, ‘it’s just a guineaa pig, buy another’, but I told you I am not that kind of person. She was and she still my best friend at home.

After mumu died, coco was alone and still survived from old-period age, but unfortunately she got cancer 😦

the tumor is getting bigger and bigger and it was three months ago she is going wild. She bites her own cancer and made his body bloody rain :(. full night, I can sleep well and can’t do anything. she is just in pain and i just can give him food. I almost loose my faith and believe that she is going to die soon after. Hufff… but my heart is saying ‘I have to go find a doctor’….

I took him to Calico pet house and gave him injection and also cream to recover the wounds. The doctor said that his age  is jus about one month left. what a shock for me. I want to cry but this time I tighten my heart and be more gentle….

this is the condition of the night she bites her own cancer:


Every night after that, I took care of her and gave her medicine. It was a positive result. She is getting better except for her left eye. She loses sight but she is getting better everyday. I am very happy with this.

It is her three weeks ago:


A week ago, after the basketball practice, I still see her running in her cage and then take a sleep in the right corner of the cage. I always look at her every time when I pass her cage. Hufff…. but the night, after I come back from my girlfriend house, I called her and she just silence. I open the cage and touch her. Her body is so cold 😦 and she didn’t make any movement. . . . . .

yeah… after all.. she died peacefully..

I lost my last pet 😦

I lost my friend again… 😦


There is nothing to say more, but they are really has taught me about responsibility and motivation in life. Even a small things like them have a big spirits to defend life. 1 month ‘vonis’ is nothing compared with coco last 3 months spirits to life.

I learned a lot from you guys, thank you for filled my life. I hope you guys running in heaven fields right now with your precious friends. Hope from your owner here we can be friends forever. Last 3 years is wonderful. 🙂 Thanks Mumu, Thanks Coco. I love you guys.

“There are as many nights as days, and the one is just as long as the other in the year’s course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word ‘happy’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.” — Carl Jung

Every creature in this world is a gift.

Love and Hugs,


Linux Party at Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (DWCU)


Apakah Anda puas dengan hanya bisa menggunakan Sistem Operasi yang itu – itu saja?

Mau tantangan yang lebih menantang?Mau Sistem Operasi yang membebaskan Anda dari jeratan Virus/Worm yang selalu setia mengancam PC atau laptop Anda?

Salah satu solusi yang bisa digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan sistem operasi GNU/Linux.
Untuk lebih memasyarakatkan GNU/Linux di kalangan pelajar, mahasiswa dan umum, serta guna mengurangi tingkat pembajakan di Indonesia (khususnya di kota Yogyakarta kita tercinta ini), maka UKDW NET CLUB + KSL UKDW kembali akan mengadakan acara Install Fest yang sekarang berganti nama menjadi UKDW NUTZ! (Linux InstallFezt!) 2.0.

Acara ini akan dilaksanakan pada:
– Tanggal : 10 Oktober 2009
– Jam : 9.00 – 13.00 WIB
– Tempat : Atrium AGAPE UKDW, Jl. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo 5-25 Yogyakarta 55224
– Contact Person: Prasetyo (+628562809087)

Pada acara ini, terdapat acara workshop dan live demo dimana peserta bisa mendapatkan penjelasan tentang proses installasi sistem operasi GNU/Linux agar bisa berdampingan dengan Sistem Operasi Windows.

Kami juga menyediakan beberapa file ISO Linux yang bisa disalin atau dibakar di CD/DVD untuk diinstall langsung pada saat acara berlangsung. Selain itu juga akan ada sesi konsultasi, dimana para pengunjung bisa berkonsultasi dengan sesama pengguna GNU/Linux yang lain apabila menghadapi kendala dalam mengoperasikan sistem operasi GNU/Linux.

Saat ini kami sudah menyediakan beberapa koleksi ISO yang sudah siap digunakan:
– Slackware 13.0
– Ubuntu/Kubuntu 9.04
– OpenSUSE 11.1
– Mandriva 2009.1
– Fedora 11
– LinuxMint 7.0
Apabila Anda memiliki permintaan akan distribusi Linux tertentu, Anda bisa mengirimkan nama distro yang diinginkan ke alamat

Kami akan berusaha untuk menyediakan distro yang Anda harapkan, meskipun kami tidak bisa memberikan jaminan bahwa semua permintaan akan bisa dikabulkan.

Eits.. masih ada lagi loh …..
Akan digelar Workshop Making a VOIP SERVER using Fedora 11″ !!
suatu workshop tentang bagaimana membuat suatu VOIP server dengan menggunakan distro Fedora 11, sehingga banyak orang dapat berkomunikasi secara cepat dan murah dengan menggunakan internet.
Acara ini akan dilaksanakan pada :
– Tanggal : 30 Oktober 2009
– Jam : 10.00 – 12.00 WIB (Kelas I) dan 14.00 – 16.00 (Kelas II)
– Tempat : Lab H AGAPE UKDW, Jl. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo 5-25 Yogyakarta 55224
– Contact Person: Alril (+6281392285708)
Biaya Workshop:
Rp. 30.000 saja ^^

Love and Hugs,


How to Get Faster Karma ? Bug on Plurk !!

Last Month, I Joined

It was a new social networking site that I joined at my spare time.

Actually, You can see my plurk at and if you’re new with Plurk, just follow this link to get started using Plurk: ^^,

now enough for the opening.

Since I have 62.xx Karma now and still have long ways to go to the Nirvana, I have some tricks that might be useful for you to boost your Karma 🙂

first thing first are:

  • Don’t update your status more than 29 times a day.
  • Update it frequently with at least 3-4 hours delay time.
  • Update or change your profile picture and profile
  • Post link or something that interesting
  • Having more fans and friends (let them be your fans first and then add as your friends) – vice versa
  • Having comment or leave comment at your status / your buddy status 🙂 but don’t take it to seriously
  • Emoticons like (dance), (rock), and (lmao) will help you increase the Karma…

but that’s all the tips that regularly told and known by regular guy.

Because I’m an extremely not a regular guy (lol) … I want to tell you that Plurk still have (maybe we can call it..) bugs that is very vulnerable.

check out my plurk profile, and see this: ” Friends invited: 25 “.

25 is a fake number. how can I called it fake ? because half of it was just a fake ID that I made.

maybe you think, its normal.. but consider this, If you make an account (another account), it should be confirmed and validate first. After that, the friends invited number in your profile will be increase. that’s the ideal one. right.

so, try this:

  1. Open your plurk account using web browser branded X, for example.
  2. copy the invited link, ex: and then paste it to web browser branded Y.
  3. Klik in the red line “Register Your Plurk Account for free”
  4. Open new tab, and write this URL ((the limit time for this email is 10 minutes only and it will give you new email address after 10 minutes))
  5. You will get temporary email address generated by the web, copy the email and use it for your ‘new’ registration email. complete the registration.
  6. … Refresh your plurk page at web browser X and check the number of friends invited… what’s we got so far ? itz done, Dude !
  7. Plurk doesn’t need this new user to be validated from your new email or something. Plurk just added your friends invited + 1 right after those user successed in the registration from your profile invitation link.

whatz the special ? it boost your karma without making lots of permanent email 🙂 it is full combo man, we successed invited a friend, we can have fans, then friends, we can also get response from ‘it’, and we can also comment in ‘it’ link.

you will also get this smiley packet if you succesfully gain 10 invited friends:


last but not least, I suggest you to use this every 4-6 hours so Plurk will not curious and suspicious about your activities. It is also the effective time to update your karma. Plurk updates the Karma time every 4 hours, at 3,7,11,15,19,23 in here (Indonesia) – GMT + 07.00 .Don’t use it repeatedly+sequently over and over:)

Bravo and enjoy plurking !!

Love and Hugs.


Albert Valentino Canaldo – A story about a lonely 13 years old boy

Albert Valentino Canaldo

Valentino was born on the 12th February 1996.

His mother passed away when he was about 3 years old.

Then a year after that Valentino moved to countryside to live with his grandmother. When he was a kid, he loves to play games with his neighborhoods friends.  And when he came back home, grandma always scold at him because he comebacks with sweats and dirt. Well that’s what we called children right? I remember his laughs and his happy story telling after about his friends n games they played.

8 years gone by so quickly, Valentino is in primary school now, grade 5. He wore red n white uniforms, white socks and black shoes to school every day, like other kids.  And the good news is, he lives in the city now. Valentino lives in a nice n warming suburban, at his uncle’s 2 storey house with more than 10 bedrooms, still with his wonderful grandma too. They moved here since he was in grade 2, together to get a better education for Valentino. Isn’t she a great grandmother, leaving her hometown for his grandson’s future.

You might think he had a good life isn’t it?

Well, today 31st of August 2009, 8.30pm. Today I will write a few that  I could remember about him. I don’t have the exact word to describe about him and don’t know how to write a beautiful story about him. But I’ll leave it to what will your heart says about him and his untold stories. Ill be grateful for your kindness to read this story, then pray for him after you finish reading.


Well, let’s start counting on how many Birthday Dinner with family he had?

Well, he is 13 years old now, did he have a Birthday Celebration last year? A Birthday Cake maybe?

Or just even a Birthday Dinner with family? Does anyone can tell me? Did he have it in the past 2 years too? 3 years ago? 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 years ago???

Did he ever have a birthday gifts? Friends coming to his party to celebrate his birthday?

I doubt it.

What I can remember clearly, there was once his birthday dinner when he was about 8 or 9 years. Grandmother cooked the dinner for us to come. Us means, 4 cousins, 2 aunties, 3 uncles, and 1 daddy with daddy’s little family.

Daddy’s little family???

Yeap!!! He remarried a lady, then they have a son and a girl. Ill tell about this part later.

Okay, we had a nice dinner together in grandma’s house. Then the night was getting late, so daddy decided to leave to go home. ‘HOME’, which means another house for daddy and his little family. So he said goodbye to us the cousins, grandma, uncles and aunties, and Valentino. This means, Valentino stays with grandma, while his daddy was going home with his little family. Who does Valentino belongs to??? That night, Valentino came to me asked for a hug, while his daddy and his little family waving their hands saying goodbyes. What a cliché, shouldn’t he be going home with his daddy as well? I wondered what is in Valentino’s head, and how painful he felt that night. For myself, I couldn’t forget what I saw and what I felt. How sad was that, seeing your daddy’s leaving you with other family, which should be your family too??? Until now, I always wonder why this should happened.

It was just one story about one of his birthdays.


Two years after Valentino’s mom passed away, he heard a song. “YUAN LAI DAI BIAO WO DE XIN” by Teresa Teng. I bet most of you know about this song. He got stunned by the music flow and the lyrics, then in a sudden she said  “I guess I’ve heard it before, I think this is Mom’s favorite song.” When I heard this, it breaks my heart.

Months after that, his dad married again, with a lady. We all thought, Valentino would soon have a mother who will give him a cuddle and a goodnight kiss before bed. Who will nurture him when he fall and cries and give him a hug when he needs to.

…………………………………. Guess we all were wrong.

Valentino still stays with his beautiful grandma, while his daddy was busy with his new little family. Valentino still had normal days to live like before, staying in a house with no daddy at home. It was just Valentino and Grandma. No cuddle at night, no tuck into bed followed with a goodnight kiss and no hugs from a loving mother.


Valentino still stays with his beautiful grandma, while his daddy was busy with his new little family. He still had normal days to live like before, staying in a house with no daddy at home.

It was just Valentino and Grandma………………………………..…. sadly until 2007.

It all starts in early 2006. Our beautiful and wonderful grandma was diagnosed a cancer stadium 4. It was a big hit for our family, especially Valentino himself. April 2006 grandma had her operation in Singapore, this means Valentino had to live by himself alone while grandma was not at home.  We all prayed to God to save her life and we all know Valentino needs her the most.

2007, grandma was not getting any better. She knew she will go far away for a long term. So she ask Valentino’s dad to take care of him and take him home to daddy’s house. Daddy and his wife made a promise that they will take care of Valentino and welcoming him into their house.

Weeks after that, Grandma passed away. We all mourned and cried. Farewell grandma, you are the most wonderful grandmother ever and thank you for your kindness. We love you so much.

I couldn’t imagine how Valentino felt that day. Someone who always greets him every day when he is home, or someone who cooks meal for him every day, and someone who will smile at him every day, is no longer beside him.

That day we saw a strong and tough young boy standing holding his pain. He knew that he will never see grandma’s smile again tomorrow.


Valentino’s stays with his daddy and daddy’s little family. Was he happy or ‘happy’? He never mentioned a thing.

One day Valentino text a message “I want to go and see grandma, I miss her so much.”  We all know it was from his deep heart saying, he miss grandma so much, desperately.

We don’t know much about his new chapter of life. But there is 2 things I’d like to underline it.

1.      Daddy drives his son and daughter to their school which it s only takes about 10-15 minutes drive. While Valentino has to ride a bicycle ALONE by himself everyday which it takes 30 minutes drive. What a loving care he had from his new little family, didn’t he?

2.      I don’t know exactly why and how this decision ever comes up.

Valentino was sent to a Boarding School in somewhere 2 hours away from the city. Why? Does he a bother for his little family? How poor is he, isn’t it? Never has enough loving care from his true family.

Deep in my heart I know and I am very sure that Valentino is craving for a true love from his dad and ‘mom’ and ‘siblings’. He just wanted to be accepted as he is. He needs to be nurtured after all the loss he had, losing a mother then a loving grandmother. “Who am I belongs to?”


He is in the hospital now (13th of August 2009). I’d say he is dying. Over than 60% of his lung is not working and kidneys both aren’t working. For normal people having lung only 2-5% infected it already caused a severe pain. I couldn’t imagine how tough Valentino is.

I believe Valentino is as the strongest and toughest boy in the world. I have never seen him cry, not even once. Although he got many many injection shots, he would take it emotionlessly.  He never cry or even say “Aw, it hurts” since the first day. He is very brave to say “It doesn’t hurt at all”.

Until 2 days ago, I saw him crying for the first time, holding his stomach and saying it is very painful. It must have been very painful indeed, if not he wouldn’t cry.  I couldn’t bear seeing him whispering and saying how painful he is now. A 13 years old boy has to live a life like this? Is it fair enough to Valentino, Lord? Why he has to live like this while others have more love and happiness.

We all know his life depends on time now. We hope the best for Valentino. We do care about him and we love him.

Let us together pray to God that He will brighten Valentino’s day.


Beberapa pertanyaan dan pernyataan. QUIZ of The Day!!!

1.      Akhir caturwulan dan masa kenaikan sekolah, siapa yang mengambil rapor Albert?

2.      Siapa yang membelikan Albert baju-baju baru ketika umur sudah makin besar dan baju sudah tidak cukup lagi?

3.      Siapa yang mengajak Albert pergi liburan ketika school holiday?

4.      Bersama siapa Albert pergi ke gereja tiap minggu?

5.      Siapa yang antar jemput sekolah Albert? *BUSWAY TRANS JOGJA!!!! YAY!!!! Dan Sepeda Albert*

6.      Apa kebiasaan Albert yang paling menjengkelkan?

7.      Apa makanan favorit Albert?

8.      Apa warna favorit Albert?

9.      Dengan siapa Albert pergi jalan-jalan ke mall? Bioskop? Makan di luar? *Emang pernah gitu???*

10.  Berapa kali sekali Albert pergi ke supermarket?

11.  Siapa yang belanjain semua kesukaan-kesukaan Albert?

12.  Apa snack kesukaan Albert?

13.  Apa nama restoran kesukaan Albert?

14.  Siapa yang mengajari Albert nama-nama binatang ketika kecil? *Singa aja ngga tahu, apalagi Lion??*

15.  Siapa yang antar Albert pergi les? *Emang sekarang masih les yah?*

16.  Apa cita-cita Albert ketika dewasa nanti? *Albert mau jadi apa*

17.  Apa film, buku, bahkan  lagu kesukaan Albert?

18.  Etc.

Final Question :

Does He Happy With His Life??????????

Does He Receive Enough Love From His Family????

Does He Ever Existed To You People????


This story is published hand to hand via email, but my sister as a doctor know him (Albert boy) and he was died in the same hospital where my sister work. I was copying and paste this story in my blog so you can read and realize that there are more cases in humanity which should be taken care by us as part of the society. Imagine if this happen in your childhood memory and no one wants to defend you.

Tomorrow, he will rest in peace with his Mom at a graveyard in Ponorogo city, let us all as a human being pray for him and carry his spirit to be a good person.



New Design ^^

This is my creation in this weekend 🙂

one for UKDW Netclub and one for HMDP ( Himpunan Mahasiswa dan Dosen Penggosip), some kind of a ‘naughty’ group.ha32…


hope u like it…

Love and Hugs,

Bo ^^

Ipod Touch 2nd Generation Jailbreaking

I think I should give 5 rate for this video for giving me inspiration about jailbreaking my new ipod touch second generation…

watch the video,

follow steps exactly on that video and don’t forget to download the software first (link inserted on the video).


after finish doing the jailbreak thing and still confuse how to download the application and lost directions where to go,

maybe you should read information in this link: and read the best answer ^^

those ways help me so much 🙂

one thing that I missed is just about the Boot Screen Logo, I still cannot change it into another image (I don’t really like the original jailbreak one – apple with some node ).. could anyone tell me how to restore the original apple boot logo back without changing everything (application music videos that already in my ipod) ?


if you want to share or give any comment or maybe asking some question I’m ready to help you..

just fill comments on my blog… thx so much !! …

Hope this will help you !!



Editing Photo for my Friend ~

I’ve just done editing this pic for my friend’s site..

hope it will be useful for him and his business.

Love and Hugs,


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