Just a paint of my Heart ..

Grandma thank you for who I am
Thank you for all the things I’m not
Forgive me for the words unsaid
And for the times
I forgot
Grandma remember all my life
You showed me love,you sacrificed
Think of those young and early days
How I’ve changed
Along the way

And I know you believed
And I know you had dreams
And I’m sorry it took all this time to see
That I am where I am because of your truth
And I miss you , I miss you

Grandma forgive the times you cried
Forgive me for not making right
All of the storms I may have caused
And I’ve been wrong
Dry your eyes

Grandma I hope this makes you smile
I hope you’re happy with my life
At peace with every choice I made
How I’ve changed
Along the way
Cause I know you believed in all of my dreams
And I owe it all to you ,Grandma

Tears dissapear when it goes dry, but

My Love to You will never dry

Pain is Sucks ~ I love You Grand Ma !

Just last night, i remember You, I Think of You, and I just wanna meet You soon.

Because of my exam at this Friday, I ust can’t go there because its far away from home.

I want to meet you this weekend, visit You with my girlfriend to meet U for the first time, like u’ve told me last time i visit You, U wanna see her, right ?

I’m Sorry Grand Ma, i can’t give U what U want. Regret for all the mistake i’ve done to You.

Without You, I will not here right now and I will never being me.

Now, i can see with my own heart. U can relax and leave me with peacefull 🙂

I love You.. Forever… have a good life there Grand Ma. U will always be here with me. in my heart…

right ?? ……… goodbye GrandMa.

I hope U meet GrandPa soon there, and both of you must see me become a Success person 🙂

I promise You… i love you …..

Letter from :

ur lovely grandson, Bo

How to trick the lost root password on Slackware !

Okay ^^ slackers

i just want to share this and i hope this wouldn’t & can’t be used for criminality or something !! :p

the case is when you lost your root password or someone change it silently. How to recover it ?

first, prepare the live CD for your slackware series , ex : slackware 12.1 livecd.

1. Power on ur computer

2. boot the LiveCD.

3. just enter when ask about keymap

4. Login as ROOT

5. know u are the root ! Mount ur root partition to a directory (lets’s make it)

6. If you forgot what partition is your root, type fdisk -l to check ur partition status. Lets agree that we have /dev/sda2 as the root in this case.

7. mkdir test

8. mount /dev/sda2/test

9. chroot test

10. vi /etc/shadow

11. u will see the root :<encryption number>:ID:0:::::

12. delete JUST the encryption number and replace it with blank or *

13. :wq

14. umount test

15. reboot

16. take the LiveCD from ur DVD/CD player

17. enter the slackware : login as root with blank password

18. change your password with passwd

19. finish ^^

alternative way after steps number 10 : if u are forgot or accidentaly delete ur ID and the number after it. We can trick this as long as you have two profiles.

For example, u have root and ‘antonie’ user. u remember the antonie password and u lost your root password. Just write to your root : …. : … :…. :::: exactly the same as the antonie has one. !!

then follow the 13-19 steps.. 🙂

that’s the simple way of mine to change the root password 🙂

Hope this can help ur problem….^^

Love and Hugs,


Install Intel 3945 wifi driver on Slackware

So, after a long day, i finally found my own way to trick this problem on my Operating System.

Slackware is one of the most popular text-based Linux Operating System. But Sometimes, when hardware technologies are steps to the next level, the driver compatibiliy may not be implemented yet in the current OS.

So, I look in the internet, got reference, and also asking with my lecturer, willysr (http://willysr.blogspot.com/) to solve this problem, finally i got the right one for my problem. To be notes : my notebook (Acer GEMSTONE series) has intel 3945 wifi devices and i think this should be work with 4965 too. Also, i haven’t been compile the Iast kernel yet. (2.6.27)

hope this way can help you solve some problems with yours too, although i know before my write there are so many discussion in this too..but in same cases, maybe this / that one is the really one that can help you with own 🙂

first thing is u should download this file :


extract it !! there are 3 files that added to your computer.

1. compat-wireless-2.6.tar.bz2

2. compat-wireless-old.tar.bz2

3. compat-wireless-old-2008-10-11.tar.bz2

if u are running kernel >2.6.23 i suggest u to use the second choise (compat-wireless-old.tar.bz) –>it works with mine too.

steps after downloading :

(the directory is up to you)

1. put the compat-wireless-old.tar.bz2 file in /etc folder

2. cd /etc

3. extract it from terminal using tar xjvf compat-wireless-old.tar.bz2

4. enter the directory created from the extraction , with : cd compat-wireless-old-2.6 (CMIIW)

5. wirte this command : make (wait about 1 minutes – depends on the RAM)

6. make install (wait about 1 minutes – depends on the RAM)

7. make unload

8. make load

after this steps u will see that the driver is installed in ur system now, if u run the iwconfig wlan0 or iwlist wlan0 scanning it should be work. but in my case, the network is not yet connected to my notebook. what’s wrong ?? after i search through the internet, i realize that there is something that must be done :

9. write iwconfig wlan0 essid “YourWirelessName” key restricted “theKeyNumber” ( the underline part isn’t present if the wireless conn is open access)

10. ifconfig wlan0 up –> this part should be done.

11. dhcpcd wlan0

12. now check with iwconfig wlan0 or ifconfig wlan0, we have IP address now.

13. try to connect using your browser… waw, it;s works !! ^^

hope this tutorial can help you all guys with the same problem as mine.

thanx ^^



Windows Firewall has detected activity of harmful software. Do you want to block this software from sending data over the internet ? – a Trojan !!

guys, have you got this pop-up in your windows ?

Trojan-Spy.Win32.GreenScreen is a hacker’s Trojan that appears in popups, security scans, and websites by fake antispyware. Trojan-Spy.Win32.GreenScreen popups read:

Description: This is spy trojan that installs itself to the system, hides itself and then captures screen images and saves them to disk files in encrypted form. Thus it allows to a hacker to watch screen images.
Windows Firewall has detected unauthorized activity, but unfortunately it cannot help you to remove viruses, keyloggers and other spyware threats that steal your personal information from your computer, including your Credit card data and access passwords to the online recources you use

i got this attack last night T…………T

so, let’s find how to remove it :

How to remove Trojan-Spy.Win32.GreenScreen registry keys:

Your Windows registry is the core of your Windows operating system, storing information about user settings, system preferences, and software, including which applications automatically launch at start up. Because of this, spyware, malware, and adware will often bury their own files into your Windows registry so that they automatically launch every time your start up your PC.

Registry Repair Warning for Trojan-Spy.Win32.GreenScreen Because your registry is such a key piece of your Windows system, you should always backup your registry before you make any changes to it. Editing your registry can be intimidating if you’re not a computer expert, and when you change or a delete a critical registry key or registry value, there’s a chance you may need to reinstall your entire Windows operating system. Make sure your backup your registry before editing it.

  1. Select your Windows menu “Start,” and click “Run.” An “Open” field will appear. Type “regedit” and click “OK” to open up your Registry Editor.
  2. Registry Editor will open as a window with two panes. The left side Registry Editor’s window lets you select various registry keys, and the right side displays the registry values of the registry key you select.
  3. To find a registry key, such as any Trojan-Spy.Win32.GreenScreen registry keys, select “Edit,” then select “Find,” and in the search bar type any of Trojan-Spy.Win32.GreenScreen’s registry keys.
  4. As soon as Trojan-Spy.Win32.GreenScreen registry key appears, you can delete the Trojan-Spy.Win32.GreenScreen registry key by right-clicking it and selecting “Modify,” then clicking “Delete.”

Computer acting funny after you’ve edited your registry and deleted Trojan-Spy.Win32.GreenScreen registry keys? Just restore your registry with your backup.

How to remove Trojan-Spy.Win32.GreenScreen DLL files:

Like most any software, spyware, adware, and malware may also use DLL files. DLL is short for “dynamically linked library,” and Trojan-Spy.Win32.GreenScreen DLL files, like other DLLs, carryout predetermined tasks. To manually delete Trojan-Spy.Win32.GreenScreen DLL files, you’ll use Regsver32, a Windows tool designed to help you remove DLL and other files.

  1. First you’ll locate Trojan-Spy.Win32.GreenScreen DLL files you want to delete. Open your Windows Start menu, then click “Run.” Type “cmd” in Run, and click “OK.”
  2. To change your current directory, type “cd” in the command box, press your “Space” key, and enter the full directory where the Trojan-Spy.Win32.GreenScreen DLL file is located. If you’re not sure if the Trojan-Spy.Win32.GreenScreen DLL file is located in a particular directory, enter “dir” in the command box to display a directory’s contents. To go one directory back, enter “cd ..” in the command box and press “Enter.”
  3. When you’ve located the Trojan-Spy.Win32.GreenScreen DLL file you want to remove, type “regsvr32 /u SampleDLLName.dll” (e.g., “regsvr32 /u jl27script.dll”) and press your “Enter” key.

That’s it. If you want to restore Trojan-Spy.Win32.GreenScreen DLL file you removed, enter “regsvr32 DLLJustDeleted.dll” (e.g., “regsvr32 jl27script.dll”) into your command box, and press your “Enter” key.

or do you want any simpler method ?

just go to google and download SUPER anti spyware for full scan^^

taken from : http://www.411-spyware.com/remove-trojan-spy-win32-greenscreen

^^ hope this is usefull for you guys..



8 Pertanyaan Wawancara yang Penting !!

1. Mengapa kami harus mempekerjakan Anda ?
Ini peluang Anda untuk “menjual” diri Anda. Uraikan dengan singkat dan jelas kelebihan yang Anda miliki, kualifikasi Anda dan apa yang dapat Anda sumbangkan bagi perusahaan tersebut. Hati-hati , jangan memberikan jawaban yang terlalu umum. Hampir setiap orang mengatakan mereka merupakan seorang pekerja keras dan memiliki motivasi. Berikanlah jawaban yang memperlihatkan keunikan yang Anda miliki.

2. Mengapa tertarik bekerja di perusahaan in i?
Pertanyaan ini merupakan salah satu alat bagi si pewawancara untuk mengetahui apakah Anda mempersiapkan diri anda dengan baik. Jangan pernah datang untuk sebuah wawancara pekerjaan tanpa mengetahui latar belakang perusahaan. Dengan memiliki informasi yang cukup mengenai latar belakang perusahaan tersebut maka pertanyaan di atas memberikan kesempatan kepada Anda untuk memperlihatkan inisiatif, dan menunjukkan apakah pengalaman serta kualifikasi yang Anda miliki sepadan dengan posisi yang diperlukan.

3. Apa kelemahan utama Anda ?
Rahasia dalam menjawab pertanyaan di atas adalah dengan berkata jujur mengenai kelemahan Anda, tapi jangan lupa menjelaskan bagaimana Anda mengubah kelemahan tersebut menjadi kelebihan. Misalnya, bila Anda memiliki masalah dengan perusahaan terdahulu, perlihatkan langkah yang Anda ambil. Hal ini memperlihatkan bahwa Anda memiliki kemampuan dalam mengenali aspek yang perlu diperbaiki dan inisiatif dalam memperbaiki diri Anda.

4. Mengapa berhenti dari perusahaan terdahulu ?
Walaupun Anda berhenti dari pekerjaan terdahulu dengan cara yang tidak baik, Anda harus berhati-hati dalam memberikan jawaban. Usahakan untuk memberikan jawaban yang diplomatis. Bila Anda memberikan jawaban yang mengandung aspek negatif, kompensasikan jawaban tadi dengan jawaban yang positif. Bila anda mengeluhkan tentang pekerjaan terdahulu, maka hal ini tidak memberi poin apa-apa buat Anda.

5. Bagaimana Anda mengatasi masalah ?
Tidak mudah memberikan jawaban bila Anda mendapatkan pertanyaan seperti di atas, terutama bila Anda baru lulus dan tidak memiliki pengalaman kerja. Pewawancara ingin melihat apakah Anda dapat berpikir kritis dan mengembangkan solusi tanpa melihat jenis permasalahan yang Anda hadapi, bahkan walaupun Anda tidak memiliki waktu yang cukup dalam mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi. Gambarkan langkah-langkah yang Anda lakukan dalam memprioritaskan pekerjaan. Hal ini memperlihatkan bahwa Anda bertanggungjawab dan tetap dapat berpikir jernih walaupun sedang menghadapi masalah.

6. Prestasi apa yang dibanggakan ?
Rahasia dari pertanyaan di atas adalah dengan menyeleksi dan memilih secara spesifik prestasi yang berhubungan dengan posisi yang sedang ditawarkan. Walaupun Anda pernah menjuarai bola basket pada waktu kuliah, tetapi ini bukan merupakan sebuah jawaban yang diharapkan. Berikan jawaban yang lebih profesional dan lebih relevan. Pikirkan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan tersebut dan kembangkan contoh yang memperlihatkan bagaimana Anda dapat memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan.

7. Berapa gaji yang Anda harapkan?
Pertanyaan ini merupakan pertanyaan yang tersulit terutama bagi mereka yang tidak memiliki pengalaman kerja yang cukup.Yang perlu Anda lakukan sebelum wawancara adalah mencari tahu pasaran gaji untuk posisi yang ditawarkan agar Anda dapat memberikan jawaban atas pertanyaan ini. Beritahu pewawancara bahwa Anda terbuka untuk membicarakan mengenai kompensasi bila saatnya tiba. Bila terpaksa, berikan jawaban yang berupa kisaran angka, bukan angka tertentu.

8. Bisa ceritakan mengenai diri Anda ?
Mungkin pertanyaan di atas tampaknya mudah tetapi pada kenyataannya tidaklah semudah yang Anda bayangkan. Yang pasti Anda harus menyadari bahwa pewawancara tidak tertarik untuk mengetahui apa yang Anda lakukan di akhir pekan ataupun dari daerah mana Anda berasal. Pewawancara berusaha mengetahui Anda secara profesional. Siapkan dua atau tiga poin mengenai diri Anda, baik pengalaman kerja maupun sasaran karir Anda dan tetap konsisten. Rangkum jawaban Anda dengan mengungkapkan keinginan Anda sebagai bagian dari perusahaan tersebut. Bila memiliki jawaban yang mantap maka hal ini dapat membawa Anda pada pembicaraan yang memperlihatkan kualifikasi Anda.